Catch-all Emails in Website Hosting
In case you have a website hosting plan with us and you’d like to activate the catch-all functionality for a specific email mailbox that you have in your account, it’ll take literally only one single click in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel to do this. A catch-all button is available to the right of each email address that you have created under any domain name hosted in the account. You can select one single address per domain by clicking the respective button. This will enable the feature right away, so all email messages sent to misspelled email addresses will be received there. Clicking the button once more will disable the catch-all feature. If you have active email forwarding, our system will show a warning note and you won’t be able to activate the catch-all feature till you remove the forwarding or you can simply select a different mailbox to be the catch-all one.